Joining Newport Uskmouth Sailing Club (NUSC)

First steps to becoming a member of NUSC

To become a member of the Newport Uskmouth Sailing Club (NUSC), you will be required to complete an application form and attend an interview prior to acceptance to the club.

Your application is listed on the club notice board, to enable any member to comment upon your application.    The interview will take place on a Tuesday night, which will be arranged a couple of weeks after receiving your application.  Click here to download a Membership Application Form.

To discuss joining NUSC please complete the inquiry form below, this will be forwarded to the membership secretary, alternatively contact a member or phone the clubhouse on a Tuesday night after 7pm, on 01633 271417.

Further Information

Our Membership Secretary can give you further information/advice about joining the club. If you would like to fill out the  form below, we will get back to you regarding membership applications.


There is a one off joining fee of £125 + £10 fob/key charge

Costs for the 2023 season:

Annual Membership  will be £125*

In addition to membership fees there are supplements depending what vessels you own

Yachts  £125* per year

Dinghy is £26* per dinghy per year

A compulsory £3 donation to the RNLI is included in your membership fee.

All members are expected to contribute 20 hours work towards the smooth running of the club, including acting as Officer of the Day, once or twice a year. Other work hour duties can be obtained from the notice board or asking committee members. Your Officer of the Day duty days are published in the Year book, Club Rota pdf,  and it is your responsibility to ensure you are available.  The duties and responsibilities of the Officer of the Day is printed in the Year book and in the member area of web site.

* Reductions of fees for members with a minimum of 5 years membership who are 70 or over.  The reduction in fee is based on 2% per year of membership off the membership fee.